21CSF has develop various tools in the support of it's mission.
Boundary Planner
A transparency tool for student assignment changes. This tool automates the integration of relational student based data and school based geospatial data into a centralized web portal. (more info)
Joint Use Calculator
A Joint-Use Tool for Fair Fees – Step-by-step guidance in helping school district officials craft an effective, transparent joint-use policy. (more info)
A decision software tool used in several school districts across the country for long-range, K-12 school facility master planning and capital planning. Still in development.
Enrollment Projections Web Portal
Developed in 2012, a web-base interactive tool piloted in Washington, DC Public Schools, for arriving at next year enrollment projections. It utilized 3 years of historic enrollment data by grade by school, but then supported an interactive process for adjusting formulaic projections with principal and community input to adjust enrollment projections.
For more information regarding these tools, please contact info@21csf.org.