New Jersey advocates urge state leaders to fix old school buildings by funding construction program New Jersey—FEBRUARY 14, 2025 A coalition of more than 100 organizations representing public school advocates, parents, teachers, and MORE | Extreme temps are closing Wake schools. Advocates say more money needed to fix problems. North Carolina—FEBRUARY 13, 2025
It was 80 degrees inside Bugg Magnet Elementary School in the middle of end-of-year testing, so hot MORE
| With aging schools statewide, Maine looks for better funding solutions to address need Maine—FEBRUARY 13, 2025
DAYTON (WGME) -- Many of Maine’s schools are in need of significant upgrades, with air quality, MORE
| Washoe County school board approves $99.5 million in funding for major projects Nevada—FEBRUARY 12, 2025 RENO, Nev. — The Washoe County School Board had another busy meeting Tuesday, approving $99.5 million MORE | General Assembly moves forward with bill to allow localities to charge additional sales tax for school construction Virginia—FEBRUARY 11, 2025 RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Help could be on the way for school construction projects in MORE |
Sponsor the 2024 State of our Schools report Author(s): Mary Filardo -- 2024: [ abstract] Author(s): Mary Filardo Become a sponsor of the 2024 State of our Schools report.
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Support the 2024 State of Our Schools Report Published By: 21st Century School Fund -- 2024: [ abstract] Published By: 21st Century School Fund Become a supporting organization of the 2024 State of our Schools report.
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Written Testimony 21CSF before the Philadelphia City Council on Policies to Modernize School Buildings.-- 2023: [ abstract] Tags & Topics: 21st Century School Fund Download: PDF
2021 State of our Schools: America's PK-12 Public School Facilities Author(s): Mary Filardo, 21st Century School Fund Published By: 21st Century School Fund; Int'l Well Building Institute; National Council on School Facilities -- 2021: [ abstract]  | Published By: 21st Century School Fund; Int'l Well Building Institute; National Council on School Facilities Author(s): Mary Filardo, 21st Century School Fund This national report provides an overview of research on the impact and importance of public school facilities to education, health, the environment, communities and resiliency. It analyzes facilities spending and investment in the years from FY09 following the great recession to FY2019. The State of our Schools 2021 was conducted by the 21st Century School Fund in partnership with the National Council on School Facilities and International WELL Building Institute.
Tags & Topics: 21st Century School Fund Download: PDF |
Why do we need a federal program for school facilities?: Written Statement of 21st Century School Fund Before the House Committee on Education and Labor Author(s): Mary Filardo Published By: 21st Century School Fund -- 2021: [ abstract] Published By: 21st Century School Fund Author(s): Mary Filardo Mary Filardo, Executive Director of the 21st Century School Fund, provided a written statement to the House Committee on Education and Labor answering the following questions:
- Does our country need a federal program that invests in rebuilding our elementary and secondary public school buildings and gounds?
- Is the Reopen and Rebuild America's Schools Act the right federal solution?
- Does the Reopen and Rebuild America's School Act belong in a major infrastructure package with roads, highways, and bridges and other major public works sectors?
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Invest in Resilient Public School Infrastructure Author(s): 21st Century School Fund Published By: [Re]Build America's School Infrastructure Coalition -- 2018: [ abstract]  | Published By: [Re]Build America's School Infrastructure Coalition Author(s): 21st Century School Fund [Re]Build America's School Infrastructure Coalition makes the case for the need for investing in resilient public school infrastructure. This brief report also looks at an appropriate federal role in making our nation's schools resilient.
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A Study of Enrollment Projections for D.C.'s Public Schools: Assuring Accuracy and Transparency Author(s): 21st Century School Fund Published By: Office of the District of Columbia Auditor -- 2018: [ abstract]  | Published By: Office of the District of Columbia Auditor Author(s): 21st Century School Fund In January 2018, Cooperative Strategies, in partnership with the 21st Century School Fund and the Urban Institute, was contracted by the Office of the D.C. Auditor (ODCA) to provide a Study of Enrollment in D.C. Public Schools Including Current Methodology and Future Projections, as requested by D.C. Council-member Mary Cheh (Ward 3).
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Education Equity Requires Modern School Facilities Author(s): 21st Century School Fund Published By: [Re]Build America's School Infrastructure Coalition -- 2018: [ abstract]  | Published By: [Re]Build America's School Infrastructure Coalition Author(s): 21st Century School Fund This report builds the case for federal funding for school infrastructure.
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Arkansas Committed to Adequate & Equitable K-12 Academic Facilities: Progress, Ongoing Needs, & Recommendations Author(s): 21st Century School Fund Published By: Arkansas Division of Public School Academic Facili -- 2018: [ abstract]  | Published By: Arkansas Division of Public School Academic Facili Author(s): 21st Century School Fund Following 12 months of work, this report contains the Advisory Committee’s recommendations on each of the eight issues and a suggested roadmap for the state’s role in school facility funding going forward. The report also provides basic information about Arkansas public school facilities and describes the progress made to deliver adequate and equitable public school facilities since 2004, when the Arkansas Public School Academic Facilities Program was established. Additionally, the report provides an estimate for what is needed to ensure adequate and equitable public school facilities in Arkansas over the next five years. The 21st Century School Fund worked with the Advisory Committee in the work of this report. On April 3, 2017, Act 801 was approved by the Arkansas General Assembly and Governor Asa Hutchinson requiring the Division of Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation use an advisory committee to do a comprehensive review of academic facilities programs. Eight specific issues for review were identified: 1. Long term viability of the program 2. Efficacy of the academic facilities wealth index 3. Project ranking and prioritization process of partnership program 4. Program funding cycles 5. Enrollment projections 6. Cost factors 7. Rules governing academic facilities programs 8. Degree of public school district compliance with Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS)
Tags & Topics: 21st Century School Fund Download: PDF |
Forum Guide to Facility Information Management: A Resource for State and Local Education Agencies Published By: National Center for Education Statistics -- 2018: [ abstract]  | Published By: National Center for Education Statistics Download: PDF |
Adequate & Equitable U.S. Pk-12 Infrastructure: Priority Actions for Systemic Reform Published By: 21st Century School Fund -- 2017: [ abstract]  | Published By: 21st Century School Fund There are 55 priority actions identified to address the systemic problems of delivering adequate and equitable public school facilities. These priority actions will support the essentials of a comprehensive local, state, and federal system for adequate and equitable PK–12 infrastructure. They were synthesized and selected from 200 solution ideas generated through our process and are considered to have the greatest potential for development, replication, and scaling.
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Infographic - State of Our Schools: America's K-12 Facilities 2016-- 2016: [ abstract]  | Infographic to the State of Our Schools 2016 Report. Download: PDF |
State of our Schools: America's K-12 Facilities 2016 Author(s): 21st Century School Fund -- 2016: [ abstract]  | Author(s): 21st Century School Fund State of Our Schools provides a state and national analysis of 20 years (FY1994-2013) of maintenance and operations spending and capital construction investments. It provides a standards framework for what is needed for K-12 public school facilities in the future. This report is a joint project of the 21st Century School Fund, National Council on School Facilities, and the Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council.
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Now and for the Future: Adequate and Equitable K-12 Facilities in Wyoming Author(s): 21st Century School Fund Published By: Wyoming School Facilities Department -- 2015: [ abstract]  | Published By: Wyoming School Facilities Department Author(s): 21st Century School Fund This white paper provides the conclusion of the 21st Century School Fund and JFW, Inc. inquiry into and analysis of Wyoming's current programs for managing and funding its K-12 public school facilities. The Wyoming School Facilities Department engaged 21CSF and JFW, Inc. to provide an independent analysis of the state's current building portfolio database; professional opinions on facility management best practices for the preservation of Wyoming school buildings in the areas of facility operations, routine maintenance, major maintenance, and capital renewal; and information about pertinent practices of other states.
Tags & Topics: funding Download: PDF |
A Policy Framework for Joint Use: Enabling and Supporting Community Use of K-12 Public School Facilities Author(s): 21st Century School Fund and Center for Cities & Schools -- 2014: [ abstract]  | Author(s): 21st Century School Fund and Center for Cities & Schools The 21st Century School Fund and the Center for Cities & Schools have released a new paper, A Policy Framework for Joint Use: Enabling and Supporting Community Use of K-12 Public School Facilities. Joint use of public school facilities is a complex but manageable approach to efficiently enhancing the services and programs available to students and supporting the community use of public schools. Building upon on their 2010 paper titled Joint Use of Public Schools: A Framework for a New Social Contract, the authors provide policy guidance for harnessing the opportunities and benefits of joint use.
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Web-based School Facilities Cost Calculator: A Joint-Use Tool for Fair Fees Author(s): 21st Century School Fund -- 2014: [ abstract]  | Author(s): 21st Century School Fund The School Facilities Cost Calculator is pre-loaded with rich data from 15,000 school districts and provides step-by-step guidance in crafting an effective, transparent joint-use policy. This easy-to-use, adaptable calculator helps school system leaders: 1) Identify all facility-related expenditures in their district 2) Calculate the full cost of ownership on a per square foot and per hour basis 3) Formulate a multi-tiered fee structure for different types of community users.
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The State of Alabama Department of Education School Facilities Section
: Capital Plan Tutorial-- 2013: [ abstract] This document will review the steps needed to complete the Capital Plan application via the internet. Instructions, along with screen shots, will be given to help with the understanding of the program.
2013 State of Our Schools Report Author(s): 21st Century School Fund Published By: Center for Green Schools at U.S. Green Building Council -- 2013: [ abstract]  | Published By: Center for Green Schools at U.S. Green Building Council Author(s): 21st Century School Fund This report released March 12th was prepared by the 21st Century School Fund for the USGBC’s Center for Green Schools. The report estimates that $542 billion is needed to modernize and bring our nation’s school buildings up to working order. One of the recommendations of the report is for congress to commission a new GAO study on America’s School Facilities. The last GAO study was completed 18 years ago in 1995.
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School Capital Project Funding Under SB237: A Report to the Legislature-- 2013: [ abstract] This document was developed to assist school district representatives who are, or will be responsible for the oversight of State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) funded school construction or major maintenance projects under AS 14.11. This handbook is intended to provide a brief outline of the department’s requirements for capital improvement project administration. From the initiation of the Project Agreement to the final execution of the termination agreement, the DEED Facilities Section is available to assist the district execute their capital improvement project in an efficient and timely manner, and to ensure that the implementation of the project meets the provisions of Alaska Statute and Regulations.
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Californias K-12 Educational Infrastructure Investments: Leveraging the States Role for Quality School Facilities in Sustainable Communities Author(s): Center for Cities and Schools Published By: Center for Cities and Schools -- 2012: [ abstract]  | Published By: Center for Cities and Schools Author(s): Center for Cities and Schools In Californias K-12 Educational Infrastructure Investments: Leveraging the States Role for Quality School Facilities in Sustainable Communities, the University of California, Berkeleys Center for Cities and Schools provides an analysis of the states K-12 infrastructure policies, regulations, and funding patterns. Findings reveal the need to greatly refine school facilities planning and funding policies and practices to promote sound, efficient, and goal-oriented decision making at state and local levels. The recommendations re-envision the states role in K-12 infrastructure as one of appropriately supporting educational outcomes and contributing to more sustainable communities through a framework of public infrastructure best practices for sound planning, effective management, adequate and equitable funding, and appropriate oversight.
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