Testimony at the FY2011 Oversight Hearing of OPEFM
Published: 2011 Testimony Date: March 02, 2011 Spreaker: Mary Filardo and Nancy Huvendick Speaker Title: Executive Staff of the 21st Century School Fund Abstract: On March 2, 2011 Executive Director, Mary Filardo and D.C. Program Director, Nancy Huvendick testified before D.C. Council Committee of the Whole's oversight hearing of the Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization (OPEFM). They identified inequ
Download/View: Public Hearing on the DCPS 2009 Operating Budget
Published: 2008 Testimony Date: November 15, 2007 Spreaker: Nancy Huvendick Speaker Title: DC Program Director Download/View: Testimony on the FY2008 District of Columbia Education Budget
Published: 2008 Testimony Date: April 05, 2007 Spreaker: Mary Filardo Speaker Title: Executive Director Download/View: Board of Education Hearing on Closings and Consolidations, May 17, 2006, Testimony of Nancy Huvendick
Published: 2006 Testimony Date: May 17, 2006 Spreaker: Nancy Huvendick Speaker Title: DC Program Director Download/View: DC Board of Education Forum on Criteria for Closing and Consolidation, April 18, 2006, Testimony of Nancy Huvendick
Published: 2006 Testimony Date: April 18, 2006 Spreaker: Nancy Huvendick Speaker Title: DC Program Director Download/View: DC Board of Education Hearing on the Master Education Plan, April 4, 2006, Testimony of Nancy Huvendick
Published: 2006 Testimony Date: April 04, 2006 Spreaker: Nancy Huvendick Speaker Title: DC Program Director Download/View: DC Board of Education Vote on Closing Procedures Hearing, April 26, 2006, Testimony of Nancy Huvendick
Published: 2006 Testimony Date: April 26, 2006 Spreaker: Nancy Huvendick Speaker Title: DC Program Director Download/View: DC Board of Education Co-Location Hearing, June 29, 2005, Submitted by Nancy Huvendick
Published: 2005 Download/View: DC City Council Hearing on Modernization Bill, July 7, 2005, Testimony of James R. Lyons, Executive Director, Casey Trees Endowment Fund
Published: 2005 Download/View: DC City Council Hearing on Modernization Bill, July 7, 2005, Testimony of Jordan Spooner
Published: 2005 Download/View: DC City Council Hearing on Modernization Bill, July 7, 2005, Testimony of Mary Filardo
Published: 2005 Download/View: DC City Council Hearing on Modernization Bill, July 7, 2005, Testimony of Nancy Huvendick
Published: 2005 Download/View: Council Hearing on the DCPS FY05 Operating Budget, April 19, 2004, Mary Filardo, Executive Director, 21st Century School Fund
Published: 2005 Testimony Date: April 19, 2005 Spreaker: Mary Filardo Speaker Title: Executive Director, 21st Century School Fund Testimony Venue: City Council Download/View: Testimony for the DC Council, April 19, 2004, Public Hearing on DCPS FY05 Budget,
Submitted by Jordan Spooner, Deputy Director, 21st Century School Fund
Published: 2005 Testimony Date: April 19, 2005 Spreaker: Jordan Spooner Speaker Title: Director for District of Columbia Programs Testimony Venue: City Council Download/View: DC Board of Education: Hearing on FY06-11 Capital Budget, February 2
Published: 2005 Abstract: The Board of Education held a public hearing on the proposed FY 06-11 Capital Budget for the District of Columbia Public Schools on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 at 6:30pm at the DC Board of Education. Many education community members testified, including 2 Download/View: Executive Office of the Mayor: Hearing on FY06 Education Budget, February 15: Jordan Spooner's Testimony
Published: 2005 Abstract: The Executive Office of the Mayor held a public hearing on the proposed FY 2006 Education Budget on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. Many community stakeholders turned out to share their thoughts on the Education Budget with the Mayor, including 2 Download/View: Executive Office of the Mayor: Hearing on FY06 Education Budget, February 15: Mary Filardo's Testimony
Published: 2005 Abstract: The Executive Office of the Mayor held a public hearing on the proposed FY 2006 Education Budget on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. Many community stakeholders turned out to share their thoughts on the Education Budget with the Mayor, including 2 Download/View: Executive Office of the Mayor: Hearing on FY06 Education Budget, February 15: Nancy Huvendick's Testimony
Published: 2005 Abstract: The Executive Office of the Mayor held a public hearing on the proposed FY 2006 Education Budget on Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. Many community stakeholders turned out to share their thoughts on the Education Budget with the Mayor, including 2 Download/View: Testimony of Nancy Huvendick
Board of Education Hearing
06-11 Capital Improvement Program
Thursday, November 4, 2004
Published: 2004 Download/View: DC Board of Education: Hearing on FY06-11 Capital Budget, October 25 -- Jordan Spooner's Testimony
Published: 2004 Abstract: 21CSF testified on Monday, October 25, at a Board of Education public hearing on the proposed DCPS FY06-FY11 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The DCPS proposal was unfortunately not made available until the hearing, at which time the Facilities Office p Download/View: DC Board of Education: Hearing on FY06-11 Capital Budget, October 25 -- Nancy Huvendick's Testimony
Published: 2004 Abstract: 21CSF testified on Monday, October 25, at a Board of Education public hearing on the proposed DCPS FY06-FY11 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The DCPS proposal was unfortunately not made available until the hearing, at which time the Facilities Office p Download/View: Testimony by Jordan Spooner on the DCPS FY05 Budget
Published: 2004 Spreaker: Jordan Spooner Speaker Title: Director for District of Columbia Programs Testimony Venue: City Council Download/View: Testimony by Mary Filardo on the DCPS FY05 Budget
Published: 2004 Spreaker: Mary Filardo Speaker Title: Executive Director, 21st Century School Fund Testimony Venue: City Council Download/View: Testimony, Board of Education Hearing on the '04 Budget Cuts,
October 8, 2003,
Mary Filardo, 21CSF, Executive Director
Published: 2003 Testimony Date: October 08, 2003 Spreaker: Mary Filardo Speaker Title: Executive Director, 21st Century School Fund Testimony Venue: Testimony, Board of Education Hearing on the '04 Budget Cuts Download/View: Testimony by Jordan Spooner (21st Century School Fund)
on the FY04 DCPS Operating Budget (7/14/03)
Published: 2003 Testimony Date: July 14, 2003 Spreaker: Jordan Spooner Speaker Title: Director for District of Columbia Programs Testimony Venue: FY04 DCPS Operating Budget Download/View: Public Roundtable on The Ballpark Revenue Amendment Act of 2003, B15-270: District of Columbia Committee on Finance and Revenue, June 12, 2003:
Testimony of Nancy Huvendick, DC Liaison, 21st Century School Fund
Published: 2003 Testimony Date: June 12, 2003 Spreaker: Nancy Huvendick Speaker Title: DC Liaison Testimony Venue: Public Roundtable on The Ballpark Revenue Amendment Act of 2003, B15-270: District of Columbia Committee on Finance and Revenue Download/View: Council Testimony, DCPS 2003 Oversight Hearing
Mary Filardo, Executive Director, 21st Century School Fund
Published: 2003 Testimony Date: March 06, 2003 Spreaker: Mary Filardo Speaker Title: Executive Director, 21st Century School Fund Testimony Venue: Council Testimony, DCPS 2003 Oversight Hearing Download/View: District of Columbia Council Committee on Education, Libraries and Recreation, Hearing on the Proposed DCPS Budget for '04, March 25, 2003: Statement of Nancy Huvendick
Published: 2003 Testimony Date: March 25, 2003 Spreaker: Nancy Huvendick Speaker Title: DC Liaison Testimony Venue: District of Columbia Council Committee on Education, Libraries and Recreation, Hearing on the Proposed DCPS Budget for '04 Download/View: Testimony for the DC Council Public Hearing on the DC FY 2003 Budget:
Submitted by Jordan Spooner, Director for DC Programs, 21st Century School Fund
Published: 2003 Testimony Date: March 06, 2003 Spreaker: Jordan Spooner Speaker Title: Director for District of Columbia Programs Testimony Venue: Testimony for the DC Council 3/6/03 Public Hearing on the DC FY 2003 Budget Download/View: Mayor's Education Hearing, February 13, 2003: Testimony of Mary Filardo, Executive Director, 21st Century School Fund
Published: 2003 Testimony Date: February 13, 2003 Spreaker: Mary Filardo Speaker Title: Executive Director, 21st Century School Fund Testimony Venue: Mayor's Education Hearing Download/View: Mayor's Hearing on the D.C. Public Schools FY04 Budget, February 13, 2003: Testimony of Jordan Spooner, Director for District of Columbia Programs, 21st Century School Fund
Published: 2003 Testimony Date: February 13, 2003 Spreaker: Jordan Spooner Speaker Title: Director for District of Columbia Programs Testimony Venue: Mayor's Hearing on the D.C. Public Schools FY04 Budget Download/View: Mayor's Hearing on the DCPS FY04 Budget, February 13, 2003: Testimony of Nancy Huvendick
Published: 2003 Testimony Date: February 13, 2003 Spreaker: Nancy Huvendick Speaker Title: DC Liaison Testimony Venue: Mayor's Hearing on the DCPS FY04 Budget Download/View: Mayor's Hearing on the FY 04 DCPS Budget, February 13, 2003: Testimony of Jeff Edmondson (21st Century School Fund)
Published: 2003 Testimony Date: February 13, 2003 Spreaker: Jeff Edmondson Testimony Venue: Mayor's Hearing on the FY 04 DCPS Budget Download/View: Testimony by Jeff Edmondson (21st Century School Fund)
on the FY04 DCPS Operating Budget (12/9/02)
Published: 2002 Testimony Date: December 09, 2002 Spreaker: Jeff Edmondson Speaker Title: NULL Testimony Venue: FY04 DCPS Operating Budget Abstract: NULL Download/View: Testimony by Jordan Spooner (21st Century School Fund)
on the FY04 DCPS Operating Budget (12/9/02)
Published: 2002 Testimony Date: December 09, 2002 Spreaker: Jordan Spooner Speaker Title: Director for District of Columbia Programs Testimony Venue: FY04 DCPS Operating Budget Abstract: NULL Download/View: Testimony for the DC Council 9/27/02 Public Hearing on the DC FY 2003 Budget:
Submitted by Jordan Spooner, Director for DC Programs, 21st Century School Fund
Published: 2002 Testimony Date: September 27, 2002 Spreaker: Jordan Spooner Speaker Title: Director for District of Columbia Programs Testimony Venue: Public Hearing on the DC FY 2003 Budget Abstract: NULL Download/View: Testimony on Emergency & Proposed Rulemaking on Public-Private Partnerships
at Stated Meeting of the Board of Education on July 17, 2002
Published: 2002 Testimony Date: July 17, 2002 Spreaker: Jordan Spooner Speaker Title: Director for District of Columbia Programs Testimony Venue: Emergency & Proposed Rulemaking on Public-Private Partnerships
at Stated Meeting of the Board of Education Download/View: Council's Hearing on the District of Columbia Schools 2003 Budget April 19, 2002:
Submitted by Jordan Spooner, Director for District of Columbia Programs
21st Century School Fund
Published: 2002 Testimony Date: April 19, 2002 Spreaker: Jordan Spooner Speaker Title: Director for District of Columbia Programs Testimony Venue: Council's Hearing on the District of Columbia Schools 2003 Budget Abstract: NULL Download/View: Testimony on FY2003 Capital Budget of DCPS
Mary Filardo, Executive Director of the 21st Century School Fund
April 19, 2002
Published: 2002 Testimony Date: April 19, 2002 Spreaker: Mary Filardo Speaker Title: Executive Director, 21st Century School Fund Testimony Venue: Testimony on FY2003 Capital Budget of DCPS Abstract: NULL Download/View: Mayor's Hearing on the District of Columbia Schools 2003 Budget, February 19, 2002: Nancy Huvendick
Published: 2002 Testimony Date: February 19, 2002 Spreaker: Nancy Huvendick Speaker Title: DC Liaison Testimony Venue: Mayor's Hearing on the District of Columbia Schools Download/View: