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Oregon Department of Education releases updated guidance for return to in-person learning
-- FOX12 Oregon: March 15, 2021 [ abstract]

PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) - In just two weeks, all of Oregon’s public schools will have to start offering on-site or hybrid learning for elementary students.

The same goes for older grades starting in mid-April.

Monday the Oregon Department of Education released updated guidance for when kids go back, and the state’s largest district, Portland Public Schools, shared its plans.

The new state guidance makes clear that in the coming weeks hybrid or on-site learning will become the primary model for all K through 12 public schools, only unless there are extreme rates of COVID-19 transmission in the community.

And all schools do still have to continue to provide distance learning as an option for any family that prefers that instead.

"We’re surviving but it hasn’t been easy for us," Shane Kennedy said. "I just mentioned to my boys that in two weeks we are going to start up with school and they said yay, they’re excited to go see their friends."

He has a first grader and third grader in Portland Public Schools. Under the district’s plan they’ll each be starting hybrid learning April 1 and April 5 respectively.

ODE's guidance including everything from cleaning protocol to responding to an outbreak.

Face coverings will be required for all students kindergarten and up and staff.

If needed, students can take a quick face covering break for no more than three to five minutes and they should be more than six feet from anyone else.

Bill addresses school facilities needs in Vermont
-- Rutland Herald Vermont: March 15, 2021 [ abstract]

Public school infrastructure is a topic familiar to most Vermonters.
School districts and supervisory unions have not been shy about their struggles to pay for facilities improvements. From making basic upgrades to meet modern educational standards to addressing major health concerns like environmental contaminants in the water and air, the needs are great and varied.
In recent years, districts have asked residents to help address those needs through multimillion-dollar bonds with varying degrees of success. More often, however, they slowly chip away at the problem in their annual budgets.
The coronavirus pandemic only highlighted those deficiencies. As schools worked to reopen safely, poorly functioning ventilation systems and inadequate spaces for social distancing hindered progress and made for less-than-ideal conditions — finally forcing a conversation the state has been putting off for too long, according to some school officials.
Now, a new bill is looking to help the state get its arms around its aging schools.
Introduced by the House Committee on Education, H.426, would create an inventory of the state’s K-12 school facilities needs and develop a plan for addressing them.
“It’s no secret that we have had some school buildings in trouble,” said Rep. Kathryn Webb, D-Shelburne, chair of the Education Committee, who pointed to the abrupt closure of Burlington High School last fall after dangerous levels of cancer-causing PCBs were detected inside the building.

-- Jim Sabataso
County superintendents propose project ideas to WV School Building Authority
-- 13News West Virginia: March 15, 2021 [ abstract]

CHARLESTON, WV (WOWK) — 30 county school superintendents are making their pitches to the West Virginia School Building Authority over the next two days. They’re asking for millions of dollars in grant funding for school construction projects.
Cabell County Schools Superintendent Ryan Saxe was one of the first presenters asking for up to $10 million toward a new Meadows Elementary.
“In Cabell County we have a long standing tradition of working well with the School Building Authority and being able to modernize and build our buildings across our school district,” Saxe said.
He said the money coupled with local dollars would help build a more modern school.
“I think the possibilities for this site are absolutely endless. It is going to provide a world class learning experience for our students,” Saxe said.
Kanawha County Schools Superintendent Tom Williams made his first-ever pitch to the SBA. The proposal is to renovate and add-on to the Cedar Grove Middle School facility and transition it to Cedar Grove Elementary while sending the middle school students from Cedar Grove to Dupont.
“We have too many facilities in Kanawha County,” Dr. Williams said. “We keep losing students so we need to start paring down our facilities.”
There is a meeting Tuesday night in Cedar Grove. The board will hear input from the community and decide if it will move forward with the plan. Williams said the timing isn’t ideal, pitching to the SBA before the school board vote, but there was no way around it.
“I made the pitch. If they decide not to do it then that means another county will have the opportunity to get some money,” he said.

-- Nicky Walters
Is Wyoming's school funding model about to fail?
-- Wyoming Tribune Eagle Wyoming: March 14, 2021 [ abstract]

SHOSHONI – Annie Good and her co-teacher have made their fifth grade classroom a homey space for their 33 students. The room is in the south wing of the sprawling K-12 education complex in Shoshoni, a town of 649 people.
The $49 million school building, up the road from the abandoned storefronts downtown, can make visitors look twice, said Christopher Konija, Shoshoni’s police chief, who is also town clerk and treasurer.
“It’s like looking at two different worlds,” he said. “To me, the school – what it looks like and what it represents – shows the potential for Shoshoni.”
State spends big on K-12
The state-built, modern building is just one brick-and-mortar example of how Wyoming has poured its mineral wealth into its school system ever since the state Supreme Court heard a series of cases – starting in 1980 – challenging the equity and adequacy of school funding in Wyoming. In 1995, the court found that legislators were, indeed, responsible for budgeting enough money to fund a ”quality” education for all Wyoming children. And though such findings are not uncommon nationally, the result in Wyoming has been to make it the biggest spender per student in the Mountain West and one of the biggest in the United States.

-- Kathryn Palmer
Colorado Dems propose raising local property taxes to more equitably fund schools
-- The Gazette Colorado: March 13, 2021 [ abstract]

Property owners in some Colorado school districts would see gradual tax increases over the next two decades, ultimately generating hundreds of millions more each year for K-12 education, under a bill backed by Democrats in the state legislature.
The bill is an effort to correct a longstanding problem in Colorado school funding, that taxpayers in different school districts pay wildly different rates and the state is on the hook for making up the difference.
The result is that K-12 education now takes up more than a third of the general fund, crowding out other priorities from roads to human services even as Colorado funds schools well below the national average. The bill would shift more of the cost to local taxpayers and free up state money, potentially allowing total education funding to increase.
“The end goal is to make sure we’re fixing the broken system we have where some school districts have a lot of local support and others do not,” said state Rep. Daneya Esgar, co-sponsor of the bill and chair of the Joint Budget Committee. “The whole idea is to provide a more equitable way to fund schools.”
Superintendent George Welsh of the Cañon City school district said the proposal would create a more even playing field for districts. Taxpayers in his district already pay the maximum.

Kan. schools can fight COVID with fresh air, but questions remain
-- Salina Post Kansas: March 13, 2021 [ abstract]

After the pandemic hit, the largest school district in Kansas set to calculating how much outdoor air it should pull into its buildings.

Wichita Public Schools turned to the nation’s top sources for expertise, then boosted ventilation and filtration in ways that scientists say dramatically cut the risk of inhaling COVID-19.

Evidence that schools — as well as operators of other buildings that bring people together — should take those steps has solidified, buoyed by scientific findings that the virus spreads primarily through particles in the air, not by lurking on doorknobs and table tops.

Yet scientists say most American schools probably don’t bring in enough outdoor air or filter indoor air the way they should. In some schools, the windows don’t even open.

“We are under-ventilating nearly every space we spend time in indoors,” Harvard School of Public Health professor Joseph Allen said in a recent media briefing.

School building formula failing Gateway Cities
-- Common Wealth Massachusetts: March 12, 2021 [ abstract]

THE STATE’S SYSTEM for financing the construction of new public schools is broken. Nowhere is that more apparent than the city of Lynn.
The number of students in Lynn’s schools has increased by 21 percent since 2008. Nearly half of our schools, 12 out of 26, are over 100 years old. We’ve been able to build just one new school in more than 20 years.
Despite significant efforts by the district and city to invest in our schools, we are still struggling mightily with poor building conditions and extremely limited capacity, as the Boston Globe has repeatedly reported.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shed further light on the challenges that students and teachers across the state face due to extremely overcrowded buildings or air-quality issues related to outdated HVAC systems. Many school districts, including Lynn, never had a fair shot at even considering in-person school at the beginning of the pandemic due to these conditions.
Four years ago, Lynn voted down a proposal to build two new schools. While there were many reasons why the vote for new schools failed, a main reason was the cost to the city. In a time of record prosperity, in one of the wealthiest regions in the world, an under-resourced city needed to come up with money it didn’t have if it wanted new schools it desperately needed.
Our method for determining state aid for school construction projects, which was developed in 2004, is now outdated and inequitable. The need for renovated or new buildings is also outpacing our ability to fund projects. In a report it filed with the Legislature in December 2020, the Massachusetts School Building Authority noted, “[a]lthough the MSBA program continues to have a far reach, there is still a significant unmet and continuing need for school projects in the Commonwealth.”

-- Opinion - Jared Nicholson
Schools Maintenance Deal In Limbo
-- New Haven Independent Connecticut: March 09, 2021 [ abstract]

Amid reports of new schools with already malfunctioning HVAC systems and neglected air filters, the Board of Education is reconsidering its dependence on an outside facilities manager.
The board has asked for more information on the efficacy of the maintenance contractor, Go To Services and the cost of bringing those positions back in-house.
“I want to see if they are cost-effective and getting the job done,” said board member Darnell Goldson.
“I suspect not, but we’ll see the numbers,” 
When city building inspectors toured New Haven public schools this fall to prepare them for Covid-19 safety measures, they found air filters that hadn’t been changed in years, exhaust fans that had rusted because someone forgot to cover them, water damage and more.
Some of the maintenance problems have health or academic consequences, like when Wexler-Grant students were sent home because their school was too cold.
“Because of asthma, there are quite a few students that have chronic absenteeism. God forbid those filters were the cause of any of these children’s asthma to not be in control—that is something that has really been bothering me. People have to do their job. If their job is to change filters, we have filters for a reason,” said board member and pediatrician Tamiko Jackson-McArthur.
The most urgent problems related to Covid-19 safety have been fixed prior to schools reopening. But the maintenance issues have raised a question articulated by the Board of Alders after two schools closed for safety reasons: how did the products of New Haven’s $1.7 billion school construction boom deteriorate so quickly? Or, as Alder Rosa Santana said at a hearing on the subject: “Somebody didn’t do the work. Somebody bankrolled the money somewhere.”

Wolf Administration Promotes Free Testing For Lead In Drinking Water For Schools And Child Care Programs
-- State of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania: March 09, 2021 [ abstract]

Harrisburg, PA - The Wolf Administration today advised all schools and child care programs in Pennsylvania of the Voluntary Lead in Child Care and School Drinking Water Testing Program, which will provide $1.74 million from a federal grant for testing lead in drinking water.

Governor Tom Wolf first announced the funding from the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act in February 2020 as another component of his Lead-Free Pennsylvania plan to address lead across the commonwealth. Earlier this week, the departments of Education and Human Services sent direct communications to eligible facilities to advise them of the availability of funding and how to access it.

“Testing the water of thousands of child care centers and schools will give us a benchmark of the work we need to do next for removing lead from water and protecting our children,” Gov. Wolf said.

The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) launched the Pennsylvania Voluntary Lead in Child Care and School Drinking Water Testing Program at leadfree.pa.gov. Eligible schools and child cares can receive free water lead testing and related training and technical support.  

-- Lyndsay Kensinger
Education committee backs school building study
-- Brattleboro Reformer Vermont: March 09, 2021 [ abstract]

MONTPELIER — The Vermont House of Representatives Education Committee on Tuesday approved a trio of bills dealing with school facilities construction, a community schools program and a student literacy initiative.

The school assistance bill passed 10-1, with Rep. Casey Toof, R-Franklin 3-1, the lone no vote.

The bill requires the state Agency of Education to conduct a study of school facilities needs, as well as a study of how neighboring states have funded school building assistance programs.

Vermont’s neighbors all have such programs; the Green Mountain State last offered school building assistance funds in 2007.

-- Greg Sukiennik
Roof collaspes at Broward County, Fla., middle school; 10 treated for minor injuries
-- South Florida Sun Sentinel Florida: March 05, 2021 [ abstract]

FORT LAUDERDALE — A roof collapsed at an Oakland Park middle school on Friday, and more than 10 people were taken to the hospital after evacuating.
Scared and confused children evacuated James S. Rickards Middle School after the roof over the media center, or library, collapsed mid-morning. Many ditched their belongings as they hurried away.
No one was in the media center at the time because it was under construction, a district spokeswoman said.
More than 10 people — students and adults — were taken to Holy Cross and Broward Health hospitals in Fort Lauderdale with minor injuries, said Steve Gollan, a spokesman for Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue.
A school district statement said: “Several students and adults had minor medical complaints, including headaches, anxiety and issues related to asthma. They were treated by fire rescue and transported as a precaution to area hospitals.”
Principal Washington Collado discovered the collapsed roof after hearing a loud noise shortly before 10 a.m., said school district spokeswoman Keyla Concepcion.

School facilitiesâ€" Forum takes public pulse
-- YSNews.com Ohio: March 04, 2021 [ abstract]

Questions about costs, the future of the Mills Lawn school property and recommendations by the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission dominated public comments last week during the first of three planned community forums to discuss the future of Yellow Springs’ public school buildings.

More than 70 people were present at the initial forum Thursday, Oct. 18, conducted online through the Zoom video-conference platform. Leading the meeting were representatives of the SHP architectural firm, which is working with the school district to develop a facilities master plan that district leaders hope to take to voters in November in the form of a bond levy. The district treasurer has estimated that at least $30 million will be needed to address all the issues that have been identified in the buildings, whether the community opts for renovation or new construction.

The current effort follows a failed attempt to pass a facilities levy in May 2018, when voters rejected an $18 million proposal to combine renovation and construction at the middle/high school campus, leaving consideration of Mills Lawn for a later time.

Discussions about affordability, maintenance, affordability and location were at the forefront of that endeavor, and similar concerns appear to hold fast within the community, as expressed during Thursday’s public forum.

-- Carol Simmons
Not All California Schools Can Reopen With New Ventilation Upgrades
-- Capital & Main California: March 04, 2021 [ abstract]

When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced in mid-February its most detailed guidelines yet for how K-12 schools in the U.S. might reopen safely in the midst of a pandemic, it was what the agency didn’t say that confounded many experts. In an otherwise thorough examination of the factors contributing to the spread of COVID-19 and of the possible ways to mitigate them, the CDC devoted but a single paragraph to the problem of classroom and building ventilation, offering a link to more information.
“Ventilation is given lip service, with little guidance,” said Dr. Richard Corsi, an authority on indoor air quality, in a series of scathing tweets. “The lack of understanding of ventilation or its importance (or perhaps just disregard) is wholly obvious. Incredibly disappointing.”
It’s also the elephant in the living room of the discussion. Years of underinvestment in the upkeep of public-school facilities across the country have led to this moment, and the threat of a deadly virus has brought the problem to the fore. The simple truth is that for many school districts, the cost of upgrading or improving their ventilation (HVAC) systems, though critical to student and staff health, may be well beyond their means, particularly in poorer communities.
The numbers are stark. A June 2020 study by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that HVAC is the most widespread deficiency in public school facilities nationwide, with an estimated 40% of all schools needing to either update or entirely replace their systems. The Center for Cities + Schools at the University of California, Berkeley, meanwhile, found that in recent years more than four in 10 California school districts have underspent on both capital renewals (like replacing HVAC systems) and maintenance.

-- Mark Kreidler
Mold, structural issues cause Fayetteville elementary school to close
-- WRAL.com North Carolina: March 04, 2021 [ abstract]

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — While school systems in North Carolina make plans to reopen buildings to students as the threat of coronavirus wanes, Cumberland County is looking to permanently shut one of its schools down.
The doors of T.C. Berrein Elementary school have been closed to students since 2019 due to air quality concerns, mold and structural issues.
The announcement to make that closure permanent caught some parents and students by surprise.
Problems with air quality, mold and structural issues might cause the Cumberland County Board of Education to change districts that determine where students go to school.
"That came completely out of the blue. I didn't not even know that until you told me," said Reene Colon, who found out during an interview with WRAL.
Colon lives down the block from T.C. Berrien. She's new to the area and thought that would be her daughter's school.
Students like 8-year-old Kyayire Proctor, one of about 200 students assigned to the school, are unhappy about the decision.
"It's pretty sad because all those kids are going to be sad about it. And I think it's pretty sad also because they have very good teachers," said Proctor.

-- Gilbert Baez
Schools spent most of federal aid on virtual learning
-- East Oregonian Oregon: March 04, 2021 [ abstract]

SALEM — Since the start of the pandemic, the federal government has earmarked nearly $620 million in emergency funds for Oregon schools.
About $121 million that has arrived in Oregon so far has helped schools across the state purchase laptops, internet hotspots and program licenses to set up the virtual learning programs that have dominated the Oregon classroom experience over the last year.
But a second round of federal funds is expected to deliver another $499 million to school districts by the end of the month, the state’s share of a $900 billion relief bill passed in December 2020.
And the bulk of that money should go toward reopening schools.
What that looks like will differ from district to district.
Some may need to upgrade ventilation systems or purchase air filters and fans. Others might opt to renovate classrooms to provide more space for students as the pandemic wears on.
Mike Wiltfong, the Oregon Department of Education’s director of school finance and facilities, said schools that are already open for in-person instruction provide a glimpse at how districts will need to spend federal aid.
“We’re already seeing where schools are struggling — some students sit in the hallway,” he told The Oregonian.
Wiltfong is concerned that Oregon schools will start burning through their federal aid allocations as districts begin rolling out their in-person offerings. In December 2020, about 50,000 of Oregon’s 580,000 public K-12 students were getting some sort of in-person instruction.
As of last week, that number was just over 136,000.

New York City to restart $17B of capital construction projects
-- Construction Dive New York: March 03, 2021 [ abstract]

Applauding the de Blasio administration's decision was Carlo A. Scissura, president and CEO of the New York Building Congress.  Resuming work on the $17 billion initiative, he said in a press release, is an acknowledgment of the key role that the construction industry will have in New York City's recovery.

The work in the city's five boroughs includes:

Building more school capacity in underserved and overcrowded districts.
Affordable housing construction.
Coastal resiliency and climate change-related projects.
The Vision Zero initiative focused on roadway safety.
Major library projects.
Repairing, replacing and upgrading sewer and wastewater management infrastructure.

-- Kim Slowey
New Columbia middle school storm shelters follow updated building codes
-- KMIZ17 Missouri: March 03, 2021 [ abstract]

Columbia Public Schools is continually working to ensure its buildings have a safe place for students and staff to go in the case of severe weather, and the newest additions John Warner Middle School is no exception.
"This is the first year that John Warner has been open. We completed construction over the summer. It was a multi-year project. It's obviously a significant one for our community," said Michelle Baumstark with Columbia Public Schools.
"Just like any of our new facilities that have been constructed over the last several years, it does include some additional features related to storm shelters," she said.
There are three areas in John Warner Middle School that serve as storm shelters: the auxiliary gym, a locker room area, and a self-contained special education room.
"With the design of a building overall there are spaces that are specifically designated as areas where students can shelter, and so that might be a hallway that's reinforced with no windows," she said.

-- Sydney Olsen
Evanston-Skokie District 65 launches committee to modernize district, address inequities
-- Chicago Tribune Illinois: March 02, 2021 [ abstract]

Officials with Evanston-Skokie School District 65 are looking for parents, staff, caregivers and community members to serve on a Student Assignment Advisory Committee.
The group will help advise the district on where kids in different neighborhoods should attend school. The creation of the group comes as the district re-imagines its Student Assignment Plan, which designates the school to which students around Evanston are designated to attend.
The effort comes as officials seek to “modernize (District 65′s) structure and address historic inequities that continue to most significantly impact students of color,” said Superintendent Devon Horton, in the release. “This may include changes to school attendance areas, reconsideration of a more equitable selection process for magnet schools and programs, and establishing a local school for Fifth Ward families.”
District 65 has not reviewed its boundaries or recommended broad changes in the past 25 years, despite shifts in enrollment, student demographics, academic services and programs, according to the release.

Aging county facilities, school needs among budget topics
-- Wilkes Journal-Patriot North Carolina: March 02, 2021 [ abstract]

Replacement of aging county government buildings was among issues discussed by the Wilkes County commissioners in their first fiscal 2021-22 budget work session on Feb. 25.

The board received data showing how Wilkes County’s demographics are changing and how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted low income Wilkes residents, plus data comparing Wilkes with peer county governments in funding education and other needs.

Commissioner Keith Elmore said the Wilkes board built a jail, converted former bank office buildings into a law enforcement center and ag center and built a culinary center at Wilkes Community College in recent years. He said the commissioners upgraded high school facilities and built four middle schools before that.

“It seems to me there may have been some neglect. We’ve got 50- to 70-year-old buildings” for the Wilkes Health Department, Wilkes Department of Social Services and other county government departments, he said.

“I would love to see us address these buildings and conditions and maybe combine our health department and social services” so citizens can have one location for addressing many basic needs. Elmore said new facilities are needed to replace the Wilkes County Office Building.

He recommended starting with cost estimates. Elmore added that the commissioners have been good stewards of county finances and the county has a good fund balance.

When he was in the health department building to be sworn in as a Wilkes Board of Health member, said Elmore, “it was obvious to me that it’s not really conducive to work.”

Students will have hands-on part in school renovations
-- The Valley Breeze Rhode Island: March 02, 2021 [ abstract]

PAWTUCKET – With major renovations and reconstructions at four local schools taking place over the next several years, a proposed internship-style program will allow students the opportunity for hands-on training in different trades including plumbing, electrical, architectural, and more.

School Committee Chairman Jay Charbonneau told The Breeze last week that with a partnership with Rhode Island Student Advocates, the construction at Henry J. Winters Elementary School, as well as future projects at Shea High School, Baldwin Elementary School, and Tolman High School, will include a program for “students who want to learn a valuable trade,” he said. “That’s an exciting piece.”

Construction of the new Winters Elementary School on Broadway is slated to begin in the next few weeks, according to Charbonneau, and once they break ground he said he anticipates the first group of students will be mobilized.

“Incorporating students into these projects was critical to the committee,” he said, noting that the founding members of RISA, who are Pawtucket students, reached out to him and Roberto Moreno, chairman of the facilities subcommittee, and proposed the idea. “We thought it was brilliant,” Charbonneau said.

-- Melanie Thibeault